In the ever-changing landscape of our world, businesses are continually adapting . Whether you’re adjusting to remote work or navigating other shifts, the need to evaluate your business positioning and address tough questions remains a constant.
Is your messaging resonating with your target audience? Are you making a lasting impression? These are timeless considerations.
The way you present your business, the messages you convey, and the feelings you leave behind – it all contributes to shaping your brand identity. And here it is, that ubiquitous term in business – BRANDING.
In the upcoming parts of this four-part blog, we’ll demystify this often misunderstood word, explore how to wield branding effectively, and why it matters.
Let me kick things off by addressing a common inquiry we’ve encountered lately – “Can you design a new logo for us? We think we need to rebrand.” The answer, from a graphic designer’s perspective, is yes, we can. But from a branding specialist and marketer standpoint, the answer is more complex. We’ll delve into this in the next two parts of this blog series. Simply put, a logo is just one facet of your brand identity, and no branding specialist would revamp your logo without assessing your business and implementing a strategic plan to carry your messaging with purpose, elevating your brand.
Before we dive into the details, let’s clarify a couple of things.
Many use the terms Brand and Branding interchangeably. But what exactly is a Brand, and what is Branding? Is there a difference?
In the next blog, we’ll explore how your product evolves from being just a product to a commodity and eventually a brand.
In a nutshell, you have a business… you have a BRAND. It’s a collection of associations residing in the minds of consumers.
BRANDING is the process of cultivating a robust subconscious “gut feeling” in your customers’ minds, making your brand their choice.
Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of branding or just a bit intrigued, stay tuned for the next part of this blog where we dive deeper into the uncharted waters of branding and brand development.